movement is medicine

Black Women Healing Through Movement and Connection

what is movement is medicine?

what is movement is medicine?

Movement is Medicine is an annual interactive workshop created for Black women to harness the healing power of movement and community. This transformative experience blends physical activity, creative expression, and sisterhood, allowing participants to reconnect with their bodies and minds in a nurturing environment that celebrates their unique experiences and culture.

The Power of community

At all our Movement is Medicine Events there is a community of women there to support you, a movement instructor of course; Science backed solutions to assist you eith regulating your emotions. Tips for journaling and reflection. Holistic practices Somatic Therapy, Art therapy and more. All aimed at helping discover the skills needed to help you embrace your true self, your limitless potential with confidence and joy.

“Restoration of the spirit is often a pathway to enhancing mental well being. healing on a spiritual level can lead to greater emotional and psychological resilience ”

— Stephanie Shelton, LMSW CEO & Founder of Naire’s House